Baha’is around the globe have been encouraged to see this year as a period of special significance, which we should seek to observe and commemorate through meaningful acts of service to mankind. Baha’u’llah teaches that ‘the true worth of artists and craftsmen should be appreciated, for they advance the affairs of mankind.’ Through the Fakatamaio’eiki Project, IVI seeks to actively consider new ways that artists and crafts people can draw on the indigenous practices to contribute to human progress at this unique time in human history. The project maintains a focus on ngatu-making and seeks to reinforce essential aspects of the process and aesthetic quality of this practice that align to and nurture capacities for meaningful service to others.
The idea of being a servant In Tongan can be expressed as “Ngaue Fakatamaio’eiki” which literally translates to “In the way of the Lord, Heavenly Father”. As the title of the project, the term ‘Fakatamaio’eiki’ seeks to highlight a connection between the example of Abdul’-Baha’s life and the aims of the project through the central theme of sacrificial and selfless service.
Kato Kakala ...woven basket of sweet fragrance
This project engages with neighbourhoods and communities in Queensland in a creative process that fosters ‘profound reflection on the life of Abdu’l Baha and the strength of the covenant of which he was the Centre’.
The primary intent for the artworks from both projects is that they are made available to circulate back to the involved communities as a resource for extending the conversation to others.
Ofo Hake arise, awaken...
OFO HAKE explores significant family events and connections.